On a more personal note: You shouldn't take a deep dive, but "looking into it" at some point can steel a person for later experiences and instill some empathy into them. The really dangerous stuff is alcohol and nicotine. Caffeine will fuck you up in other ways: You'll remain "functional" but you'll probably also need something that will help you sleep.
_Anything_ will kill you if taken 24/7. ;)
"The dose makes the poison..."
- Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 1538 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_dose_makes_the_poison )
On a more personal note: You shouldn't take a deep dive, but "looking into it" at some point can steel a person for later experiences and instill some empathy into them. The really dangerous stuff is alcohol and nicotine. Caffeine will fuck you up in other ways: You'll remain "functional" but you'll probably also need something that will help you sleep.
Also this:
I'm not saying "do drugs", but it's always good to know what you're talking about.