As you read the subject, this is a rant about how fucked up my school is. So firstly the nurse slaps an ice pack on your sore and sends you back to class, If i got shot and cut and my guts were spilling out she wouldn’t do shit. And I can’t even be pissed at the school because she’s just SHITTY.
uh secondly, someone needs to check up on my principle. He sounds creepy, looks creepy and probably shouldn’t be in a 100 mile radius of children because he looks like he has a van that specialises in “free candy”
3rd, the bullying at my school is crazy, but it ain’t making your life hell horrible, even the kids who try to be rude to “be popular” did remedial bullying class because if your gonna be a dick at least be good at it.
uh yeah, that’s it. Bye
sincerely, Jana Bly