Ughh I haven’t updated in so long! Soz I’ve got school, this time I’m talking about my siblings. My sister? She’s ok I guess she just takes my things sometimes. (Perks of being the Middle child) having a sis ain’t so bad, my brother is worse.
but sometimes she’ll just give me her money, NO REASON! Just like hands it over and says something like “I love you sis” it’s super sweet. She’s probably my only family member I wouldn’t trade for 45 cents. And stuff.
my brother is Satan spawn. He’s constantly annoying me, asking dumb questions, being too loud with his friends and eats my food. He sucks so much ass. Of course he’s got like golden hour moments where he’s bearable but those are rarely. I feel like when I was like 8-9ish we got along, I don’t blame him I’m a total bitch but like RAWRRRR.
if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask.
that was a rant from
the girl of your dreams and the
destination of your nightmares….
Sincerely, Jana Bly ;)